The body functions as a holistic organism through a complex interaction of many systems, like a bicycle or motor car. If one of the systems (e.g. brakes) are not functioning optimally, these vehicles do not function optimally. Our bodies are similar, if one system does not work optimally in an integrated way with the rest of the system, the individual cannot function or achieve optimally. Traditionally, professionals have attempted to solve learning difficulties/problems by addressing them at only one level, based on the restrictive perspective of a single discipline (for example, psychotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, physiotherapy and remedial teaching, etc.). Single focused approaches seldom result in lasting successes.
If your child has been identified with ADD, ADHD or any learning difficulty, you should consider to have your child screened for Neuro-Developmental Delays (NDD). If your child has missed anyone of the developmental milestones, or was delayed in acquiring these milestones it may indicate that your child may develop learning difficulties at school and affects his or her school readiness if he/she is not yet enrolled for formal schooling.
Integrated Learning Therapy (ILT) focuses in addressing such difficulties in an integrated holistic fashion, if it has NDD as a basis. ILT focuses in rewiring the Neuro-Developmental backlogs a child may experience. As the name implies, ILT brings together knowledge and practice from various professional fields. These include neurophysiology, neuro-psychology, attentional priorities and sensory, visual and auditory perceptual integration and nutrition - the foundations of learning is our focus and the parents play a vital role in this process. ILT uses this knowledge to help overcome problems associated with learning and the demands of life. As such, our approach is holistic.
It is also known that some children are being diagnosed with ADD and ADHD, whilst the underlying challenge could be due to immature Neuro-Development. ILT is very well known for improving behaviour, learning and other psychological conditions in some children suffering from NDD. It reorganises weak, immature and disorganised neurological systems.